Local and Global Causes

As a church working together, we will fulfill the call of Acts 1:8 through eight core causes we believe are central to our participation in God’s mission in the world.

There are an estimated 40 million slaves today worldwide. This statistic covers all areas of slavery, including sexual exploitation and labor trafficking. Serve with our partner organizations to help eradicate slavery.

Partner with families and organizations to ensure that all children grow up in environments where they can thrive.

One of the goals of living on mission is to develop long-term relationships, not short-term projects. Through knowing our neighbors by name, we can help meet needs within our own communities.

Through local and global partnerships we come alongside to ensure holistic needs are being met. Examples are serving those living with HIV/AIDS, providing medical clinics, and health education.

We have been serving those experiencing homelessness since 2004. We began by meeting people where they are with lunch and conversation. Over the years, our investment has evolved but we continue to remain committed to building relationships with individuals.

As ambassadors of reconciliation, we will continue to seek peace and justice through the ways of Jesus in places of extreme violence and conflict in our city and around the world. Areas of focus include Israel and Palestine, DR Congo, South Africa, border communities, and racial reconciliation in our own cities.

By partnering with local and international organizations, we support efforts to develop sustainable solutions to material poverty locally and worldwide.

For refugees resettling in our community after enduring tremendous loss and hardship, we work and pray for comfort and peace. We reach out to the vulnerable and marginalized, providing loving care, generous support, and meaningful collaboration with other engaged agencies and partners both locally and globally.