Group Registration Instructions

  • RegisterĀ A New Group

    Interested in leading a new group this semester? 

    After reaching out and dreaming alongside your campus Groups Director, complete the following:

    1. Fill out the New Group Registration form.
      NOTE: You will need to log in. If you do not have an account, create one by selecting “Request Account”.
    2. Click Submit.

    The New Group Registration form will be reviewed by the Groups Pastor and your Campus Groups Director. Upon approval, the group will be created in NCC Central. You will receive further instructions once the group is created. 

  • Continue or Reactivate Your Group

    Ready for your group to continue or return? 

    We're so grateful you'll be a part of creating or continuing community this semester. 

    1. Fill out the NCC-Groups-Status Update form.
    2. Click Submit.

    The NCC-Groups-Status Update form will be reviewed by our Groups Team. Upon approval, your group will be transitioned to the next semester, if you're continuing your group, or will be reactivated within NCC Central. You will receive further instructions from your campus Groups Director once the group is active. 

  • Inactivate Your Group

    Time for your group to close a chapter? 

    All good things must come to an end, or at least take a break for a semester.  

    1. Fill out the NCC-Groups-Status Update form.
    2. Click Submit.

    The NCC-Groups-Status Update form will be reviewed by our Groups Team. Afterward, your group will be inactivated within NCC Central and a notification will be sent from your campus Groups Director.