NCC Commons works to meet the needs of our cities with the resources and skills of our church.

From its beginnings more than 25 years ago, National Community Church has prioritized missional living, blessing the poor in our city and giving to those in need. When our monthly budget was only $200, we were giving $50 of that to missional causes locally and around the world. That ethos continues today. We invite NCCers and all those with a heart to help those in need to join us by participating in any of the opportunities below. 

 "As the church began, those who believed had
all things in common.
And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. . ." 

Acts 2:44-45



Phase Family Learning Center Scholarships

National Community Church funds scholarships for tuition to Phase Family Learning Centers, our child development center located at Capital Turnaround. Priority is given to families who:

  • Live in Wards 6, 7, or 8 of the District of Columbia
  • Qualify for DC Child Care Subsidy
  • Do not qualify for the DC Child Care Subsidy, but have annual family earnings under $170,000
  • Are part of the DC Dream Center community
  • Reside in public housing within the District of Columbia